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Most folks assume that a hanging banner is one that is broadly rectangular in shape and is hung from the ceiling or pole or a peg on a wall. They would only be partly correct because modern technology has changed the very definition of a hanging banner - at least in terms of shape.

Modern hanging banners can now be perfectly circular - to put it around a pillar for example, a perfect square - to place around a booth or pillar or even an entire building. Your hanging banner could be triangular or a tapered square, a tapered circle or even a tapered triangle, a pinwheel shape or wave shaped or round as a football and yes; even a curved square.

All these shapes are very eye-catching and look great especially when hung from the ceiling in a large indoor space. In fact, a hanging banner is great for leisure centres, shopping centres, in-store promotions, outdoor promos, sports and music venues etc. So long as the weather is cool and there are no rains expected, you could use them in any outdoor space you want. As a rule of thumb however, hanging designs are more suited to indoor areas.

Hanging Custom Signage Solutions can be anything from 5 feet in width all the way up to 20 feet and more. They can stretch from 24 inches to 72 inches in height and can be printed on one-side or both sides with either the same message and graphics on both sides or two different ones. Generally, stretch fabric is used in the making of these hanging banners. Stretch fabric is economical, attractive and retains the print well.

When it comes to designing a hanging Corporate Signs rules apply. Meaning, what you choose and see is what you get so you have to be careful as the colours and text fonts you select as not all colours and text fonts are created equal. Some look great on the computer screen but when the hanging banner is put out, you might find that certain colours are not clearly visible in natural light or maybe not clearly visiting in florescent lighting and so forth. Similarly, some text fonts that look great on the computer screen might be tough to read from a distance. The creative designer at the signage company will guide as to the best colours and text fonts for optimum visibility.

Once you think you have finalised the creative, it's okay to take a day to play it in your mind - you know, just to be sure. You can even ask for a sample to be printed just so you know how the finished product actually looks like. You can take it to the spot where it will be hung and hang it there (if possible). Ask your friends their opinion or budget permitting, you might want to involve a sales expert right from the start.

Once you have the design and message finalised, most signage companies will deliver the finished hanging banners in the quantities you require in three days or so - but they do accommodate rush jobs.

In the year 2018, people have already gone through many emerging web development service like the virtual and augmented reality, chatbots and cryptocurrencies. The web development has developed drastically throughout the years.

Preferences upgrades eventually, so will their demand for better quality stuff. The upcoming website trends to look forward to the year 2019 are listed below:

If you aren't aware of what an AMP is, then you need to understand that it is one of those features, which loads a page instantly without any delay. Often, when you search for your query on Google and then open a link, it takes a while to load the web page. But here, you don't have to wait anymore. The page opens instantly on a mobile device. As per the observations, 51% of the internet users make use of mobile for their jobs. Therefore, with the introduction of such features, it would be easier for the pages to fetch huge traffic via phones. This project is still in progress, and might come into spotlight any time, pretty soon.

This is one aspect that one needs to focus on more. As discussed before, mobile usage has taken a hike and is now more widely used than the desktop internet users. This hike isn't coming down anytime. So, one need to give importance to its mobile version as well, if one needs to survive in the market. Mobiles are handy and easy to use, as compared to opening a system and waiting for it to start. With the growing need for easier & time-consuming techniques, mobile usage seems to be the easiest way out for such needs.

Over the last few years, interacting & communicating with bots has become more and more usual. Bots, or chatbots, are becoming rapidly common on websites and micro-interactions across digital media platforms.

Chatbots and machine learning will continue to improve user interactions with websites, especially as autoresponder functionality inherent in most chatbots can easily interact with users for you and provide excellent customer service upfront. This begins your relationship with potential customers while simultaneously gathering info for your sales team before they begin actually interacting with the customers.

In 2019, this technology will continue to improve and incorporated into company websites. Soon, web interactions will become smooth. Imagine a website that is already aware of exactly what your customer is looking for by simply examining their past interactions with your company.

2015 was the year when the world started to know about PWA and the pioneers of technology have advanced in the next year. The dominance of the mobile apps has already got swayed. Now it is the time to blame PWA which is ruling the web completely.

Do you want to know what PWA exactly is?

They are web-based applications which include the UX and feel just like mobile apps while utilizing the latest web technologies for offering the users with an app like experience in a browser tab.

For example, Flipkart has experienced approx. 70% increase in the conversion rate with almost 5 times rise in the user engagement.

Even though PWA is new in the website development era, yet the prospects look very promising.

People still have been trying to learn to new develop fonts on the computer since the days of Steve Jobs, but it turned out to be very slow and uncertain. When animations, illustrations and adaptability were adapted, the trends of web design have stopped to avoid typography. The rule of a limited no. of fonts is still valid but the variety in use has become stronger. Whereas before we could see the most simple sans-serif fonts but today the digital typography collections are refilled with new letters.

Playing with fonts can become risky if you fail to choose

The websites are usually overloaded with the different kind of buttons all over the page and this is another reason this website trend is decreasing. These days the latest websites are being build with the existence of the minimalistic buttons. The most important reason for this purpose is to actually highlight the important content rather than just putting a button for each and every tab. The minimal buttons also give the clear and neat look & feel to the website. So following this latest website trend for the development or redesigning your website for better user experience.

7. Single Page Website

This is a recent trend in the specializations of websites. This is being approved by many experts as the future of website development. A single page, where you can find everything you searched for, and a navigation tool that takes you to different parts in that particular page, makes it even easier for you to track and save yourself the trouble of scrolling down again & again. This, likely, is the kind of website people would love to go to, if their requirement for multiple pages is low - A short and sweet page that has everything that's needed.

While single page design probably won't take over the future of web design, it will surely continue to leave its mark in 2019.

Websites are the most important part of businesses. The website states the destiny of the business by leaving an impact on the audience. Businesses always want to recieve a positive impact on their businesses and for that reason, their websites should be updated and latest.

New design trends, customer expectations, user experiences, development of mobile devices are changing day by day influencing the web development strategies every day. No matter what trends you will be adapting in 2019, there will be always a hope for improvement.